Registrations for this event are not currently available.
Prize Meeting Flyer for full details
2nd & 3rd October 2021
South Burnett Shooting Complex, Rifle Range Road Wondai
Target Rifle A, B & C Grades
FOpen, FTR, F Standard A & B
Saturday - 500 yards - Match 1 - 10 shots, Match 2 - 15 shots
600 yards - Match 3 - 10 shots, Match 4 - 15 shots
Sunday - 700 yards - Match 5 - 10 shots, Match 6 - 15 shots
800 yards - Match 7 - 10 shots, Match 8 - 15 shots
Teams Shoot
Concurrent Teams Matches are available and can be entered on Saturday morning:
Target Rifle Teams competing for the Reg Parker Shield. Teams comprising 4 shooters from A, B or C Grades
FClass Teams competing for the Monty Baldwin Shield. Teams comprising not more than one FOpen and not more than one FSA, with additional members made up of FTR or FSB.
The top 3 aggregate scores will be used.